Wednesday 14 June 2017

Wed - June 14 - Practice makes perfect

Today was another beautiful day in Henley, a bit warm and a bit too sunny for being out all day perhaps, but lovely nonetheless.  Good day for ice cream. The crews practiced AM and PM.  This morning, the eight did short scrimmage pieces with a fast crew from Galway Rowing Club from the Emerald Isle (aka Ireland) which was very productive for both crews.  Little bit of humor in all of this as their all star coach is a lovely older gent by the name of Tom Sullivan!  Inside joke for those of us close to the rowing community back home...

Not much to report other than that.  We continue to bump into Americans who we know well as we walk along the river, which is always lovely. The trip is winding to a close soon, as tomorrow is the HWR international crew reception to kick of regatta opening on Friday.  As I mentioned previously, the four has a time trial Friday morning, and onward we go from there.  Head to head racing begins Friday afternoon and runs through Sunday, dependent on how many rounds each crew wins.

Here are some shots from early morning today and practice later on.

Coach Pat

Galway RC and WPI

Man O' Steele

The Start

The eight practicing

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